Kentucky LPN to RN/BSN Programs
The bluegrass state of Kentucky boasts a series of schools with LPN to RN programs designed to further the education and careers of its LPNs. Due to the increased autonomy, wider array of jobs, and higher salaries that RNs enjoy, many ambitious LPNs are choosing to become registered nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that RNs in the state earn an average of $20,350 more annually than LPNs do.
Looking for more information on the transition from LPN to RN? Find out about taking and passing the NCLEX-RN examination and check out the Kentucky Board of Nursing for information on licensing and available organizations for RNs in the state.
List of 2025 LPN to RN or LPN to BSN Programs in KY
Below is the 2025 best comprehensive list of LPN to RN programs in Kentucky. Some of these programs may be listed as "RN", however that may mean ADN or BSN degree, please visit the school's website for program details.
Program | Website |
LPN to RN/BSN Online Online Program - Achieve offers a fast-track program that combines the effectiveness of real classroom learning with the speed of credit-by- examination. NOTE: MUST BE A LPN/LVN TO APPLY | achievetestprep.com |
Galen College of Nursing - Lousiville LPN to ADN 1031 Zorn Ave, Suite 400 Lousiville, KY (502) 813-4747 | galencollege.edu |
Hazard Community And Technical College LPN to RN One Community College Drive Hazard, KY (606) 436-5721 | hazard.kctcs.edu |
Kentucky State University LPN to RN 400 East Main St. Frankfort, KY (502) 597-6000 | kysu.edu |
University of Pikeville LPN to RN 147 Sycamore Street Pikeville, KY (606) 218-5250 | upike.edu |
West Kentucky Community and Technical College LPN to RN 4810 Alben Barkley Dr Paducah, KY (270) 554-9200 | westkentucky.kctcs.edu |
Western Kentucky University LPN to ASN 2355 Nashville Road, Suite B Bowling Green, KY (270) 780-2506 | wku.edu |
Are we missing your school's program or need to make changes to the information listed? Please contact us.
Kentucky LPN vs RN Salary Comparison By Area
The table below compares the annual salary of a licensed practical nurse (LPN) to a registered nurse (RN), along with the percent increase that can be expected. The data was collected by the BLS for LPNs and RNs in Kentucky.
On average an RN in Kentucky earns $43,733, which is 9% less than the national average for registered nurses ($48,109).
City/Area | Avg LPN Salary | Avg RN Salary | % Diff |
Louisville/Jefferson County - KY | $43,760 | $64,590 | 47.6% |
Lexington, Fayette - KY | $44,560 | $63,810 | 43.2% |
Owensboro - KY | $44,320 | $63,560 | 43.4% |
Bowling Green - KY | $42,160 | $60,830 | 44.3% |
Elizabethtown, Fort Knox - KY | $42,350 | $61,530 | 45.3% |
Table data taken from 2018 BLS https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291141.htm & https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292061.htm