Massachusetts LPN to RN/BSN Programs
LPNs in Massachusetts looking to take on more responsibility and advance their careers are enrolling in LPN to RN programs. With ADN and BSN pathways available in the state, students can choose the RN degree that meets their needs. RN advantages include increased independence, opportunities to enter rewarding specialties, and higher salaries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that RNs in Massachusetts earn an average of $33,870 more annually than LPNs in the state do.
Looking for more information on the LPN to RN transition? Find out more about passing the NCLEX-RN exam and check out the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing for information on licensing, education, and available organizations for nurses in the state.
List of 2025 LPN to RN or LPN to BSN Programs in MA
Below is the 2025 best comprehensive list of LPN to RN programs in Massachusetts. Some of these programs may be listed as "RN", however that may mean ADN or BSN degree, please visit the school's website for program details.
Program | Website |
LPN to RN/BSN Online Online Program - Achieve offers a fast-track program that combines the effectiveness of real classroom learning with the speed of credit-by- examination. NOTE: MUST BE A LPN/LVN TO APPLY | achievetestprep.com |
Berkshire Community College LPN to ADN 1350 West St Pittsfield, MA (413) 499-4660 | berkshirecc.edu |
Bristol Community College LPN to RN 777 Elsbree Street Fall River, MA (508) 678-2811 | bristolcc.edu |
Cape Cod Community College LPN to RN 2240 Lyannough Road West Barnstable, MA (508) 362-2131 | capecod.edu |
Fitchburg State University LPN to BSN 160 Pearl St. Fitchburg, MA (978) 665-3000 | fitchburgstate.edu |
Greenfield Community College LPN to ADN One College Drive Greenfield, MA (413) 775-1000 | gcc.mass.edu |
Holyoke Community College LPN to RN 303 Homestead Ave. Holyoke, MA (413) 538-7000 | hcc.edu |
Laboure College LPN to RN 303 Adams Street Milton, MA (617) 322-3575 | laboure.edu |
Lawrence Memorial/Regis College LPN to RN 170 Governors Avenue Medford, MA (781) 306-6600 | lmregis.org |
Massasoit Community College LPN to ADN 1 Massasoit Blvd. Brockton, MA (508) 588-9100 | massasoit.edu |
Middlesex Community College LPN to RN 33 Kearney Square Lowell, MA (800) 818-3434 | middlesex.mass.edu |
Mount Wachusett Community College LPN to ADN 444 Green St. Gardner, MA (978) 632-6600 | catalog.mwcc.edu |
North Shore Community College LPN to RN 1 Ferncroft Road Danvers, MA (978) 762-4000 | northshore.edu |
Northern Essex Community College - Haverhill LPN to RN 100 Elliott Street Haverhill, MA (978) 556-3000 | necc.mass.edu |
Northern Essex Community College - Lawrence LPN to RN 414 Common Street Lawrence, MA (978) 738-7000 | necc.mass.edu |
Salem State University LPN to BSN 352 Lafayette Street Salem, MA (978) 542-6000 | catalog.salemstate.edu |
Worcester State LPN to BSN 486 Chandler St Worcester, MA (508) 929-8000 | catalog.worcester.edu |
Are we missing your school's program or need to make changes to the information listed? Please contact us.
Massachusetts LPN vs RN Salary Comparison By Area
The table below compares the annual salary of a licensed practical nurse (LPN) to a registered nurse (RN), along with the percent increase that can be expected. The data was organized by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for LPNs and RNs in Massachusetts.
On average an RN in Massachusetts earns $59,263, which is 23% more than the national average for registered nurses ($48,109).
City/Area | Avg LPN Salary | Avg RN Salary | % Diff |
Boston, Cambridge, Nashua - MA | $61,150 | $95,270 | 55.8% |
Springfield - MA | $54,380 | $80,370 | 47.8% |
Worcester - MA | $57,000 | $86,420 | 51.6% |
Barnstable Town - MA | $54,770 | $83,110 | 51.7% |
New Bedford - MA | $55,690 | $79,580 | 42.9% |
Leominster, Gardner - MA | $54,890 | $77,910 | 41.9% |
Pittsfield - MA | $51,450 | * | - |
Table data taken from 2018 BLS https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291141.htm & https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292061.htm