Should an LPN Become an RN?
As an LPN, the one question that you will probably be asked the most is, “Are you going to go back for your RN?”. Many LPN’s are satisfied with their career and have no intentions on ever going back to school. Nursing school is hard, there’s no doubt about it. That can make your decision a lot harder if you have been considering going back to school as an LPN to complete your RN degree.
There are a lot of factors that can play in to your decision as to whether or not to go back for your RN. Some of these include: finances, lack of LPN positions in your area, lack of time outside of working, or just not having any desire or motivation to continue your education. No matter what your reason is, it is ultimately your decision.
For some LPN’s, going back for their RN is a no-brainer. Many LPN’s begin practical nursing school with the ultimate goal of achieving their RN license. If you are an LPN that would like to go back for your RN, there are numerous options for you to choose from. Visit our page that describes different advancing LPN education options.
As a licensed practical nurse, you may be afraid of being “phased out”, which means that there will no longer be any positions for LPN’s. If this is something that you fear as an LPN, then you may want to consider going back to school to become an RN. There’s no way to tell the future, but the LPN employment outlook appears to be very promising and I am not too afraid of being phased out of anywhere.
However, there are multiple advantages for LPN’s that decide to further their education. Read more about an LPN vs RN. Here are some key factors that may affect your decision for completing your RN degree:
LPN to RN School Time Length
The length of time it takes to complete your LPN program isn’t the only difference in schooling, as compared to someone pursuing an RN program. Here is a great resource that explains the differences between LPN and RN school and work.
Do you have the time and money to put towards advancing your career? These are probably the two biggest questions you need to ask yourself. If you plan on working while going back to school, you will also need to decide if you will be able to keep up with the amount of hours that you currently work.
If interested in taking this next steps perhaps you should consider an LPN to RN program or another type of LPN bridge program.
Wages After LPN to RN Completion
RN’s typically make more money than LPN’s. Contrary to what you may hear, RN’s don’t automatically earn more than LPN’s. A new grad RN can earn less than an LPN that has experience. However, the highest-paying nursing jobs are for RN’s. See the salary comparison here.
Potential Employment for RNs
There are more jobs available for RN’s than there are for LPN’s. If you have been interested in specialty nursing, such as psychiatric care, you will have a much easier time finding employment as an RN, in comparison to an LPN. According to BLS.gov the job outlook for for registered nurses is plentiful with an overall 19% growth expectancy between 2012-2020. It states those with a BSN have even greater potential employment outlook.
RN’s are trained and educated longer. They can also perform a few nursing skills that LPN’s are not allowed to per laws. Management positions are usually held by RN’s. Every facility is different, however. Experience can also play a critical role in achieving management status.
See what one nurse has to say about LPN not becoming an RN.