The People You Meet in LPN School

Throughout my journey in LPN nursing school and my current position as a Licensed practical nurse, I have met some incredible individuals. They always say that the people you meet during your lifetime will always have a purpose. Well, these specific people who came into my life during the last 5 years have given me hope, support, immense laughter, and unyielding friendships. I hold all of our memories together near and dear to my heart.
My fellow nurslings in class 138, as well as the classes above and below, were (and still are) some of the craziest, kindhearted, and most intelligent people I have met. Spending THAT much time together throughout school, we definitely all formed lifelong friendships. Of course, we all had friends we were closer with, but we got along most of the time. With that many women in a confined space, there is bound to be some tension at some point..good times, good times. We saw each other go through dreadful moments, in and out of the classroom. Each classmate of mine was there for me during any crisis and lent me a shoulder to cry on. They even checked on me after I was sent down to the Emergency Room during clinical! Not only that, we eagerly enjoyed the good things in life, cheered each other on, and helped one another with our education. It has been heart-warming to see each of them succeed in their lives after graduation. Presently, I work with a few of my classmates, how awesome is that? There is a special kind of love you have for your nursing school friends. If you are in school right now or a post-grad, you know EXACTLY what I am referring to. I am glad I got to change adult diapers, give bed baths, and assist with turning with them. It was definitely more tolerable because of them!
My teachers in school were so influential in my career, as well as my personal life. They were supportive in all aspects, gave us tough-love when needed, taught us everything they possibly could, and truly cared about our education as well as our well-being. Although at times I completely despised them for their exams and drug card assignments, I learned more than I thought possible from each and every instructor. They were NOT just teachers to us, though, they were mentors for our future as nurses. It wasn't always serious, of course. We would make jokes, dance during class, or enjoy some good old-fashioned medical humor during our lessons. They each contributed not only to my success as a nurse, but my growth as a person, without a doubt.
My co-workers now...what can I say? They are AWESOME! Not just my nursing buddies, but the entire company I work for is full of amazing and talented individuals that I am lucky to work with every day. The past three years at The Pediatric Center have been pretty great, to say the least. We have the best time possible during clinic hours, work together as a team, and give the best care possible to our delicate little patients. Humor during our shifts undeniably passes the time quicker! One provider still makes fun of me for choking on a hot dog recently......yeah, don't even ask. Weird stuff happens to me and I offer comedic relief for the world with my misfortune. In and outside of work, we have made countless hilarious memories. (Christmas party 2014, anybody?) We celebrate one another's accomplishments and positively contribute to our company. Besides all the fun and games, we have seen each other in some bad places and truly cared about the well-being of the affected person/people. My co-workers are some of the biggest supporters I have in every aspect of my life. It is a wonderful thing to enjoy the time you spend with people you work with.
The friends, classmates, co-workers, bosses, instructors, or doctors you come across during your journey in nursing will be a part of your life, well, for the rest of your life! They could be there for a short chapter, or for years and years to come, but no matter the length of time you know these people, they will leave a mark on your heart and brain that will stay with you.
To my classmates and instructors from Sowela, as well as my past and present co-workers at The Pediatric Center:
YOU ROCK! Don't ever change!
This is dedicated to you and the imprint you have left on me. Thank you for every single thing you have done and will do for me in the future.
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