LPN as Role Model

Working as an LPN you are the direct supervisor to State tested nursing assistants who work with you. Just like any other job there are hard working and caring STNA's and some not. The difficult part is working with the careless and lazy STNA's is that they're job is to take care of actual people. They are responsible for hands on care, emotional support and daily guidance.
I have worked with all kinds of STNA's, everyone is different right? Occasionally I get the pleasure to work with outstanding STNA's. The ones that show true basic qualities you find in great nurses. That's where I tend to step in, encourage and become a role model.
Recently I started working with an STNA, who is exceptional. She genuinely cares about the residents and does not stop until they are each in tip top shape. I spent time with her talking about why she became an STNA and what her goals were. I was pleased to hear she was using her STNA as a stepping stone in becoming an LPN.
I try to spend time giving her quality critiques to expand her knowledge and enhance her work ethic. I enjoy teaching her new things. She listens to me talk to doctors and families on the phone. She observes how I interact with outside agencies such as pharmacies and hospice nurses. She asks questions about medications and treatment orders preformed, to educate herself as well.
As many of us have, she didn't know where to start, in becoming an LPN. I started at a well known technical school in Cleveland, the fall after high school graduation. I enjoyed the program and professors and couldn't help but recommend it to her. Before I knew it she had applied.
I couldn't be happier than to help others fulfill their goals in nursing. I am amazed at what a great start she has because she chose to start as a STNA.
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